Make more sales - 3 buyer types

Photo by Chaewon Lee on Unsplash

Contrariety to popular opinion Not every sales person gels with every customer - we’ve all been there … we’ve walked into a store, ready to part with our hard earned cash BUT the sales person doesn’t hear what you are telling them and you either leave dissatisfied with your purchase, or even worse you don’t buy anything at all!

We’re here to tell you that there is a way to change your sales patter so you can make more sales.

To make every customer feel on top of the world you need to understand how best to sell to them. If you can give them a better customer experience it can lead to a higher sales or adding them as a loyal repeat customer. The key to this is recognising what type of customer they are and tweaking your sales pitch and service to suit them.

Once you start talking their language the magic starts to happen! They’re going to feel like you’ve truly listened to them. Not only will this help you make the sale, it will also strengthen customer relationships, increase positive reviews and word of mouth recommendations - now who wouldn’t want more of that for their flower business?

Spendthrifts - your dream customer

As a general rule these make up about 15% of your customers

The golden customer...the ones that EVERYONE wants! Why??

1. They love to buy!

2. Customer service, quality and uniqueness is highly regarded by them

3. They're driven by emotions which can lead to impulse buys

4. These guys and girls don't get any customer remorse after a purchase

When you are talking to spendthrifts you want to make sure you are attentive. They want to feel like your no.1 customer and that you are offering them something completely unique like THE BEST customer service, or THE BEST products. It can be important to talk about emotion when you are selling to them, so using examples of how a certain product makes you feel will be a big buying trigger for them.

Why not tell them how great it makes you feel so see a bunch of scented stocks in your kitchen when you wake up in the morning? Or how your latest houseplant has brought a sense of calm to your working from home office.

Average Spenders - the need based customer

These make up about 61% of your customers

They are the middling ground of customers.

1. They spend on what they believe is appropriate

2. Generally they will have a budget in mind and will have researched options beforehand

3. They're driven by facts and emotions and also their own decision criteria

4. Sometimes they will get buyers remorse if not supported through the sale correctly

It may be easy to spot an average spender if they are looking to see how much several products cost when they are browsing. We love to start by asking them what occasion they are buying for. By observing them you may get a feel for their budget, but don’t be afraid to ask - this makes them feel heard which is very important to average spenders. They still value customer service highly, but they don’t want to be mollycoddled. They want to know facts about how the product weaved in with a little emotional story.

To start off the sales process start by finding out what or who they are buying for, then get a feel for their budget. They don’t want to be under or over sold to. You could give this customer an example of previous purchases by others and the result - why not tell them about a customer last week who brought a bunch for a similar occasion and how the flowers were well received.

Frugalists - the saver customer

As a general rule these make up about 24% of your customers

The customer who knows what they want to spend but still find it difficult to buy

1. They don't like to part with their hard earned money unless absolutely necessary

2. Will budget to what THEY are willing to spend

3. Driven by the best deal they can find

4. Naturally they will feel pain before, during and after the sales with buyers remorse

Can you spot a frugalist when they shop with you? They will be the customer that is all about price - the emotional story doesn’t matter to them. The frugalist is only purchasing because they have to - its an item on their to do list and they want to tick it off. Finding the best deal is the most important thing for them. The frugalist can we hard to sell to, as there is no emotion in their purchase, but don’t be disheartened HEAR their budget and tell them you are showing them the best thing they can buy in your shop for that budget.

You want to make sure you are solving their problems - so ask about their budget but also ask about why they are purchasing. You want to use words like biggest, best, good value, will have the best impact. Generally the frugalist will be drawn to something that is under their budget. Because the retail experience is a to-do list item to them make sure you are not mollycoddling them. They like the facts and then to be left to make their own decisions.

Florally yours,

Rachel xxx

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