The easy way to Boost your Instagram engagement

A year into our own Instagram Journey our engagement stagnated.

I was doing all the right things; posting regularly, doing stories every day, researching hashtags….but my statistics just didn’t match up with the effort i was putting into it. I needed to find a new approach and one of the ways i decided to do this was through utilising messaging.

Why did i choose Messaging as my new avenue ? Because the clue is in what Instagram is for - It’s a SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM. Which means its a place for publishing a variety of content and communicating and connecting with others.

Roll on another year and head of Instagram announced that the top 2 things that Instagram are concentrating on for 2022 were REELS and MESSAGING.

So if you’re looking to give your engagement a boost, Click our video below to watch how you can use messaging really easily to connect with your potential customers.


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