The know, like and trust factor for florists

It all starts with the know, like and trust factor.

Those little words are the 3 things that could set you apart from your competitors. It’s even more integral now than ever before, with more and more people finding companies online rather than in physical locations.

Getting into the habit of thinking about your customers journey before they purchase from you will make them loyal customers for life.



It all starts with your client knowing you, but to find those clients you also need to understand who your ideal client is! Having an ideal client avatar is key to building the ‘know’ factor, especially if you do not have a high street presence.

  1. Think about where your ideal client hangs out - if your targeting weddings, go to a venues page and then reply to comments left on some posts from that venue

  2. Make your business description more personal - people buy from people, and part of building the know factor includes connecting with people. You could put account run by Emma in your Instagram description

  3. Get brave! Start showing your body in your social posts. Since I started showing up in my images, my engagement has gone through the roof AND I’m receiving orders because of this.



Once they know you, they have to like you. This is the easy part! Make your product offering very clear and simple and have your ideal client in mind at all time.

3 simple ways to build the like factor include:

  1. Make sure you reply to all comments on your posts or stories. This works by making your customer feel valued AND as an added bonus boosts you post in social media algorithm.

  2. Let your personality shine through! People want to know who they are buying off! Its very easy to hide behind a brand, but the best thing you will be able to do for your business is to step out from the shadows and make sure you are front and centre of your business. Share whats happening in your life, tell them about yourself, talk about your why.

  3. Show up on social media - this means posting often, replying to comments often and ensuring that you and your brand are visible. I like to work to a schedule, so I know what I am posting and when - this takes the pressure off and makes showing up a whole lot easier.



This is the hardest thing to master, and is often the longest step in the whole process. People need to know you will do what you say you are going to do (and in turn your products will have the effect that you say they will have)

  1. A really easy way to build the trust factor for your brand is to use testimonials sporadically in your social media. Other people have already written down why they trusted you, so use these!

  2. Do what you say you are going to do! If you say your going to post once a week - do it! People like to know what to expect from you and this in turn builds the trust factor.

  3. Make your offering very clear. This gives people certainty about what you are offering and a very clear message of trust that what they want is whats going to turn up.

We have put together an Instagram challenge which is designed to help you build the know like and trust factor in your business!


Florally yours,

Emma and Rachel xx


How becoming the face of your business will help boost sales.


Meet the team - Rachel